Update Your Third Party Dependencies!

Now that Eclipse Photon has been released, there are a few things you need to do to keep your JMC builds happy.

  1. Get the latest changes:
    hg pull
    hg update

  2. Rebuild the third-party dependencies (new terminal):
    cd releng/third-party
    mvn p2:site
    mvn jetty:run

  3. Build it all (in the jmc root folder):
    mvn clean package

If you have imported JMC into Eclipse, you also need to change the target platform. Simply remove the old target platform (Preferences | Plug-in Development / Target Platform):


Then press “Apply and Close”.

Next open the releng/platform-definitions/platform-definition-photon/platform-definition-photon.target file (File | Open File…). In the upper right corner, press Set as Active Target Platform.


JMC should now rebuild!
