Fair DJ is a music jukebox designed for a room with a couple of people in it and one set of speakers. The users rate songs, and the program selects songs so that everybody gets to hear music they like. For feature requests or help, join the discussion at the forum.
GreyChartGreyChart is a an efficient chart rendering toolkit for Java, currently under development. For more information about GreyChart look under the Wiki pages, or go to the perforce web view to navigate the source directly. Packages aren't being built automatically just yet, but will eventually be downloadable here.
PluginLoaderPluginLoader is a minimalistic plugin framework, that makes it easy for you to include "plugin" behaviour in your program, for instance a directory where users can add extensions to your program.
The link below contains the binary jar and the api docs. The source is available through perforce. You'll need java 5.0 to use the PluginLoader.
Bontz4JBontz4J is an attempt to recreate the Bontz tech demo but in Java. For more information about Bontz4J look under the Wiki pages, or go to the perforce web view to navigate the source directly. Packages aren't being built automatically just yet, but will eventually be downloadable here.
The link below is a zip containing a first tech demo of Bontz. The reason that it is so big is that I just couldn't make myself compress my music very hard. ;) Just unpack the zip somewhere and double klick the Bontz4J.jar file if you're running on windows, or type java -jar Bontz4J.jar if you're on any other platform. You'll need java 1.4 or later to run the tech demo.
SeaRobotsSeaRobots is an attempt to create a C-robots for Java, sporting autonomous submarines and torpedoes. The simulation will take place in a 3D environment. Look under the Wiki pages, or go to the perforce web view to navigate the source directly. Packages aren't being built automatically just yet, but will eventually be downloadable here.